45% Permission Email Open Rate!

Almost Triple The Category Open Average!

As our 5-year contract draws to a close, we continue to over-achieve on our permission email open rates for for NEW ENGLAND HYDROPONICS. Our ‘First Look’ August Deals send hit a final 45.4% (8.17.22 update). The category average is 17% (Springbot ESP).

Our strategy: create imaging and copy with an appropriate balance of the emotive and transactional. To communicate only the transactional “Sale” is not a strategy: it’s a “seen-that, been-there” boring tactic with little to no cumulative benefit to the brand or its equity.

Key to the emotion – my very own sunflowers in my garden! Who doesn’t love sunflowers!

But the ‘secret’ is in the subject and preview lines – what we used to call ‘headlines’ in display advertising. Call me if you like to know them.

Call me, Tom Lanen, at 508 951-0130 if you’d like more than the ordinary from your email and brand marketing/sales support programs. On my nickel, of course.