Starting ZENECIST–A New Lean Business, Part 3: Aligning The Minimum Viable Brand

Doing (and Believing In) What You Know.

Whew, that was close. 

I almost took the ZENECIST™ brand into the land of off-brand. It’s all been based upon a long-dwelled upon idea for an apparatus that, in fact, has no relation to the Zenecist brand spirit nor those whom I hope to engage.  

Good grief. It’s Brand 101. Align the brand across all touch points and elements. Designing a product just because you can doesn’t mean it fits the real goals of a brand and its stakeholders: to create delight and engagement; and to help fans internalize its relevance to their personal and/or professional brands.

To make a brand part of their own.

Frankly, designing a product was about the simple fun of creating something because that’s what I do. Or that’s what I did with my erstwhile marketing and design agency. 

My goal here is to sell a product I can pull from inventory, ship, and scale. And, while thinking back at a conversation I had the other day with my best friend Bobby, and how he laughed when he heard I was back at creating something again (“You can’t help yourself can you?”) it struck me: I should stay with what I know. That’s how to create and position a brand. So it’s back into the vest pocket for that idea. 

In its stead I’m focusing on creating a minimum viable brand (MVB), as part of the lean startup process. On aligning its tactical approach based upon strategic goals.

So instead of creating products I’m sourcing them. I have 3 samples are coming in for evaluation already. And the product category is ridiculously narrow, so much so that ZENECIST may be the only one in  the space. And way out front by the time others discover its value.

My single criteria: that I’d wear or use products myself in the spirit of high-level, laid-back lifestyle. That’s what this is. It’s my current state of being. I tell you, for a man of age, it’s a delightful gift.

Oh, and I’d like products to be Made it in America. For every reason.

Seeing What I See Now

As with all gardens, the key is to grow what you love.

I realize just how lucky I am to have the luxury not to do a full-court press 24/7 to get revenue flowing as I did at age 36 when I started Thomas Marketing Services. And while it might seem to go against semi-retired guy principles, I’m getting a part-time out-of-home job at an amazing garden center these next months. 

Fact is I enjoy working; and really enjoy outdoors and gardening. And having drained my IRA to keep us in home and college tuitions back in my health challenge decade, I can use the additional discretionary income (I have Finland in my sights).

Too, I simply must get from behind my standing desk and out of the house to intact with real people, sans the baggage and button-pushing inherent in day-to-day generational living. You see, our 26-and 31-year old sons live here in our open post and beam log home in the deep burb’s of Boston (a third lives in Manhattan and calls almost daily); and I can validate what’s said about the relationship Italian mothers have with their Italian sons. I’m Finnish. You get the picture.

I’ve decided too I enjoy writing, and that my bonehead startup goofs and recoveries may amuse some starting their own ventures. If nothing else, I hope it centers people for a moment, that it quiets their minds so they can see their business from a slightly different perspective.  And with quiet focus. 

Of course these thoughts are not new. I’m just getting around to putting them into practice. It’s the laid back kind of guy I am today; and frankly, is something new in my charmed life. Though I suspect it comes largely from the peace in inherent in a business not carrying dept.

But high-level? That’s something about the brand only you can decide. But that’s the goal; it’s how I’d like to think of you. Because a brand is a 2-way street. And I hope we’re both be satisfied.

For now, and without paying customers, so far so good. I’d hope you’d tell me otherwise.

Peace. T-

A Mid-Summer Night’s Report: Why Yes, Someone is Home at Thomas Marketing Services

Tom Lanen, here (with the blue Maui Jims) at the Snoop Dog/Whiz Kalifa show at the Xfinity Center outdoor amphitheater in Mansfield, MA (my 20-something sons gave me another season pass this summer–went to 34 shows last season); at this show with my pals from the hydroponics store chain where I was Marketing Director (Contract) for 5 years prior to its acquisition by a multi-state operator/holding company in a cash/stock deal.

You’d think our 34th anniversary on July 3rd, The Feast of St. Thomas, would prompt at least a mention here. But noooo, I’ve just been too busy living my best (semi-retired) life thanks to the fact my sons are killing it with their careers and life paths so I don’t worry about them. And my clear and unabating need to create has found a new focus.

First to the business. I’ve decided my workday is now from 7AM – Noon, give or take, when I will focus on helping small businesses create brand brand equity and momentum–a salable brand story and marketing strategy–with an endgame goal driven by the brand owner’s timing and aspirations.

Of course, if you have a really freaking cool project that demands more time, well, bring it on and let’s see what it will take. You see, I still REALLY love this brand marketing stuff– my wife calls it my ‘sickness.’

And now the fun new creative direction. On one of my ongoing 3-4 day camping trips this spring/summer, I was at a campground, on the southern shore of Massachusetts, and as I looked back at the beach in about an 150′ stretch I found some washed up and surf-rounded bricks, simply beautiful in the orange and red hues. I asked the staff if I could take them and determining them refuse and below the high water mark, they gave me permission to bring them home–just enough to fill my back seat floor.

Now my dad always had a fascination for water fountains, and had bought one he couldn’t fix when the pump blew out. I’d worked at a co-working space that had a lovely zen fountain, so fabricating one from these bricks, with an easily replaceable pump (and bowls/cistern) became my goal.

The first thing I’ve ever created, driven only by my muse. Its pump and Japanese tea bowls are easily replaced, as is the large cistern. And it may not be done yet!

I built and rebuilt my fountain a dozen times, finding working with mortar with my hands as satisfying a medium as any with which I’ve ever worked. And, I found myself almost euphoric with each little victory.

You see, while I’ve written and designed websites, blogs, print, radio, TV & digital ads, permission e-mails for database marketing, brochures, you name it, all that was with a professional objective and a brand-building and revenue-generating strategy.

But I’ve finally created something, driven only by my muse and curiosity. My goal was not symmetry (which one of my brilliant creative mentors calls “the hobgoblin of small minds”); it was balance, which along with connection and timeliness, is an inherent element in the definition of design–versus decoration, which may be pretty but is fleeting.

So that’s the plan. Within days I’ll be starting my next one, this made of stones I’ve collected over the 34 years we’ve owned our log home and land in the deep burbs of Boston. And in the 120+ hours I worked on my first creation I learned a lot.

Too, if it happens you have a collection of rocks and/or refuse from favorite beach, lake, land or stream, I’d be happy to come and help you design and fabricate it for or with you. We’d have fun.

And if you’d like some help focusing and balancing your brand for better outcomes (and income) well, after 30 years I’m starting to get good at it. Let’s chat on my nickel: (508) 951-0130.

Thanks, Tom-

On Aging Happily: A Matter of Priorities

Pitbull at the Xfiity Center Mansfield, MA 2022

How My 70th Summer Came To Be My Second Summer of Love

Vol 2, №2 – Deflector™ is a business unit of Thomas Marketing Services Corporation

I would never have believed it. I mean, when you hit age 70 the expectation is your life gets VERY boring, you eat your supper at 4, and you become intimate friends with Pat & Vanna, yelling at the TV when one of the contestants makes a bone-head guess at an obvious puzzle solution.

No, I would have never guessed the notoriety and off-the-hook love and acceptance I got from concert goers and staff this past summer as I made full use of the season pass to the Xfinity Center in Mansfield, MA my three 20-something sons gave me for my 70th birthday to go to over 30 shows.

My pals at the Grab N’ Go at the Xfinity Center in Mansfield, MA

Though I’ll did have a plan and a rough premise, my Deflector Postulate, to actively researchBecause the last thing I wanted was to be treated my age. You see, all my life being a fully responsible adult, provider and parent has been my goal. But to make an obtuse reference to a The Byrds tune I heard them sing it at the old Boston Tea Party venue, with my sons out on their own, I’m younger than that now.

And as the musician John Mayer once suggested, we make things happen for ourselves. It starts with deciding what’s important to you.

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On Being: The Cornerstone of Happiness

ZENECIST Page image

A Simple Truth That Helps Me Live My Best Life

Vol 2, №1 – Deflector™ is a business unit of Thomas Marketing Services Corporation

Hello and welcome to the 2022 pilot edition of Deflector™ on The Art of Style & Well-Being for Men of Age.™

When I first conceived of Deflector, in my mind’s eye style was to be its focus, primarily as a strategy to mitigate the overt agism so prevalent in today’s society. And, as you’ll soon read in coming issues, I’ve proven the Deflector Postulate time and again this past summer during the 30+ outdoor concerts I attended on the season’s pass my 20-something sons gave ol’ dad for his 70th birthday.

But as I would come to understand, style without well-being just isn’t much fun. And I’ve observed both style and well-being start with being mindful. With being present, in the present.

“On no, another fucking Buddhist,” you say? Maybe. I had some body art done of my ‘Zen sailboat logo’ for my birthday and when explaining it I always say “I’m a Buddhist-Christian or a Christian-Buddhist, or none of the above.”

I’m surely not a monk or minister. And I was forced to quit the church of my youth when I could no longer live with its intolerance. I’m just a cosmic traveler and man of faith (just don’t know which one) who’s discovered a few basic truths that have helped me live my best life this past few years.

My new pal Dave (left) and me at the Xfinity Center awaiting Steve Nicks, my 36th concert of the 2022 summer season (my kids gave ol’ dad a season pass for my 70th birthday – and I had the time of my life!

And it’s the very simplicity of it all that makes me a ridiculously happy person. Maybe for the first time in my life. I’m still surprised just how much.

So part of my simple mission with Deflector has become to put my life insights and cosmic surmising out there for anyone to adopt or ignore as they will.

Because I’ve also proven happiness is a choice. And so it begins.

Read the entire article

45% Permission Email Open Rate!

Almost Triple The Category Open Average!

As our 5-year contract draws to a close, we continue to over-achieve on our permission email open rates for for NEW ENGLAND HYDROPONICS. Our ‘First Look’ August Deals send hit a final 45.4% (8.17.22 update). The category average is 17% (Springbot ESP).

Our strategy: create imaging and copy with an appropriate balance of the emotive and transactional. To communicate only the transactional “Sale” is not a strategy: it’s a “seen-that, been-there” boring tactic with little to no cumulative benefit to the brand or its equity.

Key to the emotion – my very own sunflowers in my garden! Who doesn’t love sunflowers!

But the ‘secret’ is in the subject and preview lines – what we used to call ‘headlines’ in display advertising. Call me if you like to know them.

Call me, Tom Lanen, at 508 951-0130 if you’d like more than the ordinary from your email and brand marketing/sales support programs. On my nickel, of course.