Al Baier’s Business Gift To Me: Humanizing Women, A Profound Life Lesson


(March 8, 2024–International Women’s Day)

It’s been 10 years since I wrote this post, and almost 50 since Al enlightened me and yet the battle of the hetero sexes for equality rages; and at exponential rates for queer and transgender beings.

I’m reposting it because Al’s message rings as true to me today as did in 1978; and it’s an idea worth repeating. And, to honor the women in my life, now and in the past, whose profound insight and partnership, personally and professionally, have made me the man (he, him) I am.

It shouldn’t be just one day or even a single month in 12 we believe them.

Peace. Z-


Every so often there’s an article enumerating “The 10 Most Important Things I’ve learned in Business.” Inevitably it starts with #1: “I learned Excel.”

Well, I’m as big a sucker for these lists as the next guy, and always scan them for tidbits o’ wisdom. And sure, learning Excel is probably one of them.

Oddly though, I’ve never seen the one lesson I’ve always considered most important in my business life.

It came the day my first real boss and mentor, Al Baier, a pioneer in recruitment advertising and founder of what’s now Buyer Advertising, popped his head into my first ever private office, and with a gleam in his eye and his trademark sly smile, he said to me (I was 25):

“Tom, women are the greatest under-utilized resource we have in this country. We have to start believing them more.”

-Al Baier

This simple statement had a profound effect on me: at that moment women became more than the object of my 20-something male longings; they became lifelong partners.

I’ve always been grateful to Al as I went on to a career in the agency business, which thanks to the great ad maven Mary Wells was one of the first to shatter the glass ceiling for women. And his insight served me well as I worked with some brilliant women, both creatives and clients, throughout my agency and brand coaching years.

To say nothing of the brilliant woman I married. It’s clear she’s much more resourceful and tougher than me. No contest there.

But sometimes I wonder why so many men seemed to have missed the memo. And when women such as my friend Lisa Pertrilli, an extraordinary business woman says to me “I hope you’re right,” when after a significant victory by a woman I suggest to her “your time is coming soon,” I really wonder what’s taking so long.

I don’t think it’s something we can dictate in business and expect long-lasting effect. Regulations are fleeting, political, and subject to resentment and neglect. And my ERA Now! bumper sticker has long faded, a snowball’s chance in hell of being reprinted in today’s political climate.

No, I think this insight must be seeded in our children, boys and girls, by those of us lucky enough to be dads. And for every reason it should start today.

Do so, and my sense is it will all add up to great advances in our businesses, and our lives. Your daughters (and sons) will thank you. And at the end of the day the numbers in your Excel spreadsheet will, in comparison, pale in value.

Thanks Al.

Peace, Z (aka Tom)

 Today’s random thought: for all intents and purposes, as the only one in this business, I am Zenecist™ (brand), and not “The Zenecist.” So just for fun I’m trying out signing my posts with a Z rather than a T. Sure kind of goofy, but as as kid Zoro was a chief hero – I ran ragged in the neighborhood with my black cape and mask. In the 80s my then Wellesley ad agency, The Lanen Company, created a logo for the heavy/metal rock Zildjian “Z” cymbals line; and as a drummer I always played Zildjians–that’s my old high-hat in this musical instrument sculpture. Ha! What do you think: Z or T?

NEW on Deflector™ – A Zenecist Publication

On Communication: A Generation For Whom Humanity is Welcome.

A lover of language and a pseudo-linguist at heart, there are certain everyday phrases that make me want to scream. “To be honest with you”, “to tell you the truth”, and “I won’t lie” are cases in point. So what, when you don’t qualify your statements you could be lying?

It’s filler thought, often just giving the speaker more time to formulate an answer, maybe even another lie. And while their declaration of honesty may make them feel more self-important, it has no value. It just makes me suspicious.

One prominent throw-away phrase I find particularly annoying and even troubling has been the retort . . . But the good news is my Gen Z friends have taught me a gracious work around . . . (Read More-Free Friend Link to