#7 ZENECIST™ CHRONICLES The Insidious Nature of Aging, Pride, Anger & Unforeseen Consequences | Earth Wind & Fire

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As we journey through life, aging is an inevitable reality we all must face. In this edition of Zenecist Chronicles, Tom Lanen continues with his personal insights into what young people can expect as they become older adults. With a candid approach, Tom unravels the often-counterintuitive experiences of aging, from fatigue to the realization that instincts might not be as sharp as they once were.

The Complexities of Pride

Pride is a recurring theme in many cultures and religions, often looked upon unfavorably. Yet, as Tom discusses, pride can manifest in various forms. There’s the dangerous "hubris pride" known to ancient Greeks as a fatal flaw, but there's also a pride in accomplishments that serves as a motivator. Tom shares his journey, expressing pride in his family and his commitment to being alcohol-free for 42 years.

Anger and Rage: Unwelcome Emotions

Aging has revealed deep-seated emotions in Tom's life, including the realization that his anger could have graduated to rage—a discovery made evident through a heated interaction with a friend. Recognizing these intense feelings, Tom reflects on their roots, illuminating how they may stem from personal dissatisfaction rather than the actions of others.

The Consequences of Unmanaged Emotions

Tom’s reflections remind us that unmanaged emotions like anger and impatience can have dire consequences on relationships and self-existence. By acknowledging these feelings, Tom believes they can be overcome with mindfulness and self-awareness, improving one’s quality of life.

Creating a Movement of Kindness

Despite the challenges, Tom remains optimistic. He envisions a “movement of kindness” to combat loneliness, bridging generational gaps through ongoing contact. Tom expresses a desire to establish a university program, aiming to forge connections and offer support, particularly to vulnerable groups like young adults and seniors.

Look Into Earth Wind & Fire Concert at The Xfinity Center

The podcast episode concludes with a light-hearted recall of attending an Earth, Wind & Fire concert, the experience epitomizes the enduring joy and connection that music can bring, defying the lethargy often associated with aging.

Tom leaves us with the empowering words of Tom Petty: "Take what you can and leave the rest behind." It serves as a reminder that through shared experiences and insights, we can navigate the complexities of life, continuously learning and adapting.

Watch/Listen on the ZENECIST™ Channel on YouTube Podcasts


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